About Me

I’m a 30-something soul who’s happily clueless about life’s grand plan. Ambitions? Nah, I’d rather chill with my plant squad.

Welcome to Plant Parenthood, where my leafy companions bring me more joy than people and their unpredictable drama ever could. No offense to humans, but plants make the best company – they’re low-maintenance and drama-free!

While others are busy chasing dreams or aspiring to change the world, I’ve chosen the noble path of watering plants and praying they don’t die on me. Oh, the responsibilities are overwhelming, let me tell you!

My London windowsills are a gallery of funky plant varieties and DIY planters I’ve collected. “To wilt or not to wilt,” that’s the eternal question around here.

Who needs a well-thought-out life plan when you can have a mini-jungle in your living room? No, seriously, I can’t even handle my own life, but somehow I’ve got a thriving ecosystem under control. It’s madness, I tell you!

But hey, I’m not alone in this crazy adventure. Alongside my leafy companions, I share my heart and home with two mischievous degus – the only other parenthood that gets a green thumbs up around here involves animals.

So, if you’re done with adulting and seeking solace in the plant kingdom, join me on both the plantastic and fur-bulous sides of life. Let’s revel in the green company, ditch the drama, and enjoy the blissful cluelessness of life with our green posse. See you on the leafy side!